Thursday, May 14, 2009

TEE Week

Just like everything else here, West Point had to break the conventional style of naming things and give finals a more militaristic name, Term End Exams (TEEs). Breaking with the norms of other schools isn't always bad though. For example, though I have never experienced finals week at a "normal" college, my understanding is that the week is very stressful. Here, TEE week is one of the least stressful of the semester. Why is this? We can finally put the military side of our existance aside for a few days. The time this gives us is amazing! A complete breakdown in military discipline probably isn't good, but it sure is relaxing.

Now that my tests are done it is time to reflect on the past year. Plebe year was at the same time the most horrible time in my life and far less problematic than I was expecting. Frankly, it isn't nearly as bad as people make it out to be. On the other hand, I will certainly not miss the hours spent on the wall with SGT Wasson chewing us out for this and that, taking out the upper-classmen's garbage at night, calling minutes (see "Minutes Explained") or being at the beck and call of any upper-classmen who has the slightest need. Servitude in general just isn't a pleasant situation to be in. One more week of virtual slavery and the plebe class will finally be recognized (this means that we are no longer treated as poorly, though we still don't have many priveledges) and recieve a promotion. I can handle one more week though, the end is near and coming fast.