Its been a long time since I wrote anything on here. Not much has happened, but what has happened is big enough it should probably be up.
My mission papers are finally done! There were problems with getting a doctor's appointment but after over a month of trying/waiting (we only have two doctors- we need probably 4) I finally got in and had my physical. Immediately afterword I had my interviews. Pres. Chappel is an amazing man to sit and talk with. Of course there was the standard worthiness interview but then we just sat and talked for a while. What a truly inspired and inspirational man! Still waiting for the call.
The next bit of news is regarding my esophagus. We got a copy of the notes from my endoscopy in Las Vegas and the doctor included a diagnosis of GERD- as was expected- and directions for treatment of it as such. I had an EGD (don't ask, I can neither say nor spell what that stands for) on Monday. Sunday night my dad and brother gave me a blessing in the which he promised me that everything would be clear. The next morning the doctor went into my throat with a balloon to expand my esophagus and couldn't, it was already as big as it should be. There were no signs whatsoever of GERD, heart-burn or any other of my symptoms. The medical history is there, but the signs are not. He biopsied a section of my esophagus to check and gave a tentative diagnosis (which I can also neither say nor spell). The results came back and I have whatever it was. Medical research still doesn't know what it is. They're not sure what causes it, but they think its some sort of an allergy. This sounds bad because if they don't know what it is, they can't treat it, right? Wrong! I checked the list of disqualifying medical conditions for the military and this is not one of them. I have the same symptoms and take the same drugs, but its called something different so- for now- it looks like I can serve.
The posts have been slower lately because for work we have been going back and forth between here at home and Needles Ca. We don't have internet in Needles so I haven't been posting. Headed back Monday for the final trip of the spring. Since this trip will be about a month long there will probably not be any posts until mid-June at the earliest.
That's pretty much all the news! I was hoping to have a new recipe to put up here today but between the dying lawn mower and the extra wet spring it took me several hours to mow the lawn this morning. So much for that...