Monday, April 20, 2009


Well, I'm back. Once again it is not because of a time surplus, but just that I can't sleep. There's no burning blog topics for me to address so I'm going to talk about beast a little, answer a question I have gotten from a couple of un-named people:
No, I have not been brainwashed. I am the same guy I was before coming here. The only thing that has changed that you will ever witness (unless you try to attack me or my brothers) is that I have more confidence. I walk different, act different, but I still think and speak the same.

Lots of people talk about the "brainwashing" that the military does to you. It doesn't exist. There is a certain amount of indoctrination involved to going through military training, but there has to be. The things soldiers have to see, hear and do are unspeakable. While some say there is no adequate way of preparing for it, the Army gives it their best effort.

Yes, I do know things that would make most people more than a little worried if I started screaming them on the subway, but wouldn't you be worried if someone started screaming regardless of what they said? It does feel weird now, looking back at my previous limits and comparing them to now, and certainly the Spirit of the Bayonette, The Law, and many other such mantras are far from what I would have said in high school. But have I been brainwashed? No! Don't be ridiculous!

I have learned, I have grown, I have become a little harder (physically and mentally) but I have not lost my values and beliefs to what the Army supposedly wants me to think. One of the key elements that makes our Army so great is the ability of our soldiers to think for themselves. Couple this with the disipline to obey orders even if you disagree with them and you will have an unstoppable force. That is what we strive for, not a puppet collection.

Now, I realize that the people who would ask me about being brainwashed are not going to read this blog, but perhaps someone will find this post on Google and it may change their mind. Who knows? Frankly, I'm not concerned one way or the other, these posts are just to clear my mind so I can sleep. If you don't like it, don't read it!

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