Wednesday, December 15, 2010


So the last couple of times I wrote on here, I mentioned that there is nothing going on in my life worth writing about.  Lately that hasn't been the case, I've just been too lazy to fill you all in on the goings on of life in Delta.  We have done some traveling, but for the sake of not making this entry a mile long, that will be posted separately (and still be a mile long).  

We are still working on expanding the warehouse at work (as mentioned a few blogs ago).  The walls are up and the roof is almost completely finished.  It has been somewhat fun, though often unpleasant, to get a small feel of construction.  It is definitely not the right field of work for me, but it is useful to know how to do a few more things and is a fun change of pace for me. 

This project has used a lot of very large steel pieces.  The steel all has to be ground down (to remove rust) and painted over (to prevent rust).  Somehow that job fell to me.  One day as I was grinding on the gigantic I-beam the grinder popped out of my hand and tore a large section of flesh away from my wrist.  Imagine a wire brush spinning at about 16000 RPM digging into you.  Yeah, didn't feel great.  I bandaged it really quickly and went back to work-without cleaning out the grinder head.  The stench of burning flesh quickly filled my nostrils. Yuck.  A few minutes later it was still burning a lot worse than I figured it should have been so I came home to clean it out and bandage it properly.  Soon discovering the lack of medical supplies in my parent's home, I climbed back into the car and drove to the pharmacy to pick up the necessary materials.  All this with one functioning hand mind you.  As I am standing there bleeding and trying to buy the bandages and tape needed to fix such a problem, the lady behind the counter- a wonderful woman and friend of my mother- saw no real need to hurry.  I mean, its not like that gash could possibly be painful or need to be cleaned out or anything.  And the blood? No big deal, right?  Anyways, I got it all cleaned up and went back to work.  As I showered that night I spent about a half an hour just scrubbing it with soap to make sure I got all the rust, steel, etc. out of it.  It has healed up nicely, though there's still a pretty sizable scar.

Beyond that there hasn't been much other than the traveling.  I have been kinda sorta helping out with the swim team.  Not sure how much help I've really been, but oh well, at least I'm trying right?

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