Sunday, January 2, 2011


I go through cycles in my life where I write all the time and then I never write.  As of right now, I am in a writing cycle.  I never share what I write because it is very personal and I am a very secretive individual; however, lately I have been thinking about the possibility of being more open and sharing more of what I write.  This post is not meant as a “get to know me” session but rather a warning: I have a work of literature in the early processes of being written (ie. There is nothing on paper, just in my head) which will likely find its way onto this blog as my next post.  When I post it, it will most likely be a rough, ROUGH draft.  Since I never share what I write and I hate the revision process that may also be the final draft before it is added to the list of things written only to be deleted, but it will still be rough.  Just a warning.

*Added later:
It has been written, but is a very different style than I have ever attempted.  The main topic of the essay is not the important part of it at all and I'm not sure how I feel about that.  I'm going to post it later, after people have had a chance to read this post, and would ask a favor of you, the reader.  I'm not fishing for compliments- in fact I much prefer constructive criticism- but if you would please just leave a comment about the story I would appreciate it.  How it made you feel, what areas need more work, something it reminds you of, anything is fine- I would just like to get a feel for what people think.  For those of you who may not have a blogger account, feel free to leave an anonymous comment. 

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